
“Blue” is an ode by Destini that advanced to the semi-final round of the National Amateur Poetry Competition and will be featured in Where the Mind Dwells, a book published by the competition organizers. This book will be available on Amazon and in Barnes and Noble. I chose you. I brought you home And held you…

On the Edge of Chaos: Where Creativity Flourishes

by Katrina Schwartz, Mind/Shift From article: If it’s true, in Sir Ken Robinson’s words, that “Creativity is not an option, it’s an absolute necessity,” then it’s that much more imperative to find ways to bring creativity to learning. But first, we have to understand what conditions foster true creativity. One definition that scientists have agreed upon…

Can the Maker Movement Infiltrate Mainstream Classrooms?

by Katrina Schwartz, Mind/Shift “Most of the people that I know who got into science and technology benefited from a set of informal experiences before they had much formal training,” said Dale Dougherty, editor of Make Magazine and founder of Maker Faire on KQED’s Forum program. “And I mean, like building rockets in the backyard, tinkering,…

A School That Ditches All the Rules, But Not the Rigor

By Tina Barseghian, Mind/Shift From article: I think of rigor in a very hyper-dimensional way. It’s not just acquisition, which is what a lot of schools especially at the K-12 level focus on — the ability to retain intellectual knowledge to be able to communicate that intellectual knowledge back. That works very well for the…