STEM Connections

Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”  If we were to be fully inspired by this assertion, where would our imaginations lead us?  How could scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) knowledge be used in conjunction with imagination?  The following links provide some answers.  What are your responses?  How will you use your imagination and your knowledge?

The EHS Zen Garden, a multi-disciplinary project by many

The Offering, a flash fiction piece by Alyssa inspired by a project by students in Mr. Kerrins’ Technology Education class

Is imagination/creativity more important than knowledge? (various TED Talks)

What letter should we add to STEM? (a video by The Atlantic)

STEM + Art = STEAM, by Camille Obert-Goralski

How Integrating Arts Into Other Subjects Makes Learning Come Alive, by Katrina Schwartz

EducationCloset:  Inspiring Innovation through Arts Integration and STEAM

Could Storytelling Be the Secret Sauce to STEM Education?, by Katrina Schwartz

For links related to science fiction, technology, and inventions, click here.

How Arts Education Can Help Create Better Doctors, by Adriana Barton

The Holistic Approach to Integrating STEM, by Alan Neuhauser

13 Art and Math Projects, by the Art Curator

Creative Writing and Science, by TeacherVision

ELA + STEM = Developing Literacy with Math and Science, by Michelle Stie-Buckles

Is Math Discovered or Invented, by Jeff Dekofsky

Math Class Needs a Makeover, by Dan Meyer

The Beautiful World of Math, by Yoni Appelbaum

Beauty and truth in physics, by Murray Gell-Mann

Why truly innovative science demands a leap into the unknown, by Uri Alon

Can the Maker Movement Infiltrate Mainstream Classrooms?, by Katrina Schwartz


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